Thursday, July 30, 2015

Creating YOUR Vision

In every school, in every district, in every part of this county (maybe even world) each school sets forth a mission and vision.  If the process is done properly, every stakeholder for the school has a voice in creating the vision and mission.  In addition, the school's mission and vision should trickle down into each classroom and be a, if not the, driving force for each aspect of the decision a teacher makes in class.  However, these two imperative pieces of school operation should be the framework for the construction of individual learning communities that each have a story that is unique to each teacher and group of students that spend time in that room.

Maybe time for an analogy of sorts to better explain my point.  Visualize this, an architect designs a building with a very specific idea of what that building is to look like.  Looking from the outside, the building should be similar in structure to the surrounding buildings; however, there are those that create buildings that are way outside the box of the surrounding buildings.  That is fine too.  Now once that building is constructed, the groups that occupy this building get to determine how their floors will look.  Once that occurs, the floors then become offices or apartments or other spaces that each get their own flair.  Individuality it important to expression in our current culture but in this instance having a guiding light for how to be an individual in this space does not hurt.  Therefore, once the process is complete the group of individuals has a common idea of what the expectation will be for them as they work as a community.  What I am trying to say is that while each individual has their own "spin" on how their space should look and the overall feeling in each space is driven by a vision and belief.

As teachers, it is important that we keep this idea in mind.  It is important to have the school's vision be the driving force for every decision that will impact students.  But it is just as important to make sure that you create your own story and your own vision for how you want your classroom to work and how you want it to operate.  If you are just starting your career or if you looking to rejuvenate keep this in the background as you are preparing to return to school.

How will you create a structure in your classroom that will make students feel welcome?
How will you work with your students to create a shared vision for what your classroom will be?
How will you collaborate with your peers to work together to work towards the school's vision?

So in order to help jump start the brain, here are some resources to get started:

First a post from Beth Houf's blog about some back to school ideas for engaging EVERYONE on the first day.  Make sure you click the link included on her page for some more resources and ideas.

Next a post from TeachThought about 20 things a teacher can easily do to create a comfortable classroom for students and should pay off in the long run.

Finally, a piece from Angela Stockman for new teachers or those that are going to a new building.  Just a few thoughts on what happens when one is put into a new education setting.

Until next time.

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