Thursday, October 16, 2014

Back in Action

Howdy loyal reader(s)!  I am back in action after a two weeks of not putting up a single post.  While I might not have been successful at posting for 30 days straight, I choose to look at that as a lesson learned instead of a failure.  Creating new content on a daily basis is difficult and there are not too many guides or curricula for blogging.  This was a challenge to get back in touch with my teaching roots.  Since becoming an administrator daily planning has been replaced with more large scale and long term planning for the building and students.  While I still have a daily agenda, the process of creating lessons to explain concepts to students was starting to fade from my memory.  The 30 day challenge was my method of bringing myself back in touch with that.  This sounds so bourgeoisie.  I guess it should.  I was loosing touch with the concepts and work that makes the school tick.  The daily grind so to speak.  However, the absence from the blog was due to refocusing on that exact issue.

During the absence, I spent time analyzing data and working with the administrative team to identify root cause and revise our School Progress Plan.  That took the place of the day to day planning for awhile.  It also revitalized my visions, goals, and plans for the school.  I am very excited to get back in the saddle when it comes to teaching, learning and blogging.

And while I am not one to be overly superstitious, I do believe in signs and this was one that hit me right over the head yesterday.  Thank you to for helping me refocus and be revitalized.

See you again, very soon.  Enjoy your weekend.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 25- A much needed break

I have not posted for some time now.  There is a great reason.  Work.  Work is the reason that I am able to post; therefore, when work calls posting must stop.  After the first day of neglecting the blog, I felt bad.  Then came day two and the guilt started.  You need to post, you need to get the information out to people.  The world is a better place with you posting.  The reality is everything is fine.  So if you upset from missing a few days of random musings then I will apologize right now.  But I am willing to bet that you didn't miss me much. 

Daily posting is very time consuming.  While I have found a voice and theme for this blog, I am still working on a level of consistency.  I want this to have the greatest impact possible for the folks that read.  It would not be fair to any reader to put up mindless pieces of prose that have no meaning.  Therefore in a commitment to quality, I will do a better job of putting together quality post that will be worthwhile in reading.

In the meantime, enjoy post season baseball, spend some moments with your families in the beautiful autumn, and keep teaching to the best of your abilities.