So today was the second day at school and we distributed lockers and combinations. I started thinking how lockers can be a great analogy for class. See with a locker one needs to follow a prescribed sequence (combination) in order to meet the end result (open locker). If one makes a mistake with the combination then one must start from the beginning. This is FRUSTRATING. Students will blame the locker, say it is broken, that it doesn't work, and even say they got the wrong combination. Some students won't say a word and just stare at the locker or run around the hall looking for something else to replace their time. Some will quietly persevere in this task despite having made multiple mistakes. They won't quit until they opened up that locker. They will lower their shoulders and hang their heads but they will keep trying. Other students will try it once and immediately ask for help; yet, others will wait patiently for the teacher to come to them before trying to do it.
So think for a minute:
How does this sound like a classroom?
How will you help each type of student open their locker this year?
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